Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bryson's Last Day of School Hospital Visit

On the last day of school, Bryson began complaining that her stomach hurt.  Being the drama queen that she is, I didn't pay too much attention to her because every day she has a new ache or pain.  Besides, it was the last day of school!!  After several hours of laying on a mat in my classroom, I decided to take her to Mom and Dad's house.  I had already tried several home bathroom remedies and nothing seemed to relieve the pain.  When I picked her up, Mom said that she had been in pain all day.  I brought her home and the pain continued.  After talking to Angela and describing the symptoms, she suggested that I take her to Urgent Care.  We went to the one in Pooler and the doctor confirmed that she had a UTI,  but felt like the symptoms were so similar to appendicitis that we needed to take her to Memorial ER to have her checked out more.  As soon as we got there, they took us in and did an xray.  After the resident doctor looked at her, he decided to call in the surgeon.  They started an IV.  Bryson did not cry once during the whole thing.  She was so brave and so sweet the whole time we were in the hospital.  The resident surgeon came in and decided that it was definitely appendicitis and that she would need to have surgery.  They began giving her several boluses of fluids to prepare her body while the resident called the pediatric surgeon.  Thankfully, the surgeon did not fell that she was in any acute distress that was enough to warrant a 6 yr old having emergency surgery at midnight so we were admitted to the floor for observation until morning..  Bryson had an ultrasound around 2am and after that and some pain medicine she was finally able to get some sleep.  The next morning she woke up feeling better and they observed her and let her eat.  We are hoping that it was just a really bad UTI but if it is appendix, it WILL let us know.

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