Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great news!

Brett went for his sedated ABR test today.  The last two behavioral hearing tests have not shown good results especially in the left ear, so to be sure, they did this test today.  The test took 3 hours and he laid on my chest on his back the whole time.  I had to be careful not to move as this messes up the test and the ear tubes can come out.  This test sends sounds through the inner ear to the brainstem.  He is hooked up with electrodes on his head and ears.  This measures the brain activity as the sounds are emitted.  Much too complicated for me. 

Anyway, his right ear shows normal hearing.  The left ears shows some mild hearing loss especially in the high frequency sounds.  Since his right ear is so good, they think that he will be able to compensate for the hearing loss in the left ear without hearing aids.  We are so happy about his results.  He will continue speech therapy and hopefully everything else will develop normally!  Thank you Lord!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Snowing!!!

Can you believe it???  Twice in a year, it has snowed at our house!!!  Yesterday we heard that there was a possibility of snow here.  Can you imagine how surprised we were that it actually happened??  It snowed all day, but unfortunately, the rain from earlier kept it from snowing.  It sure didn't keep the kids from playing outside!!!  We were in and out of it all day and by nightfall it was accumulating on rooftops, but not on the ground.  What a neat way to end the Christmas weekend!  Here are the pictures of the day!

Christmas 2010

Christmas morning started off at around 7:00 this morning!  Brett wasn't too sure that he wanted to wake up, but he had heard so much about Santa that he wanted to check it out!!!
Santa left his footprints and surprises for everyone!

Blake was so surprised to see the Whiplash scooter he had been asking for!

And Bryson was thrilled about her Ipod touch and GoGo dog!

Brett wasn't so sure, but quickly figured out that this Santa thing was a good thing!!!  This is my favoroite picture of the season....he was so surprised about EVERYTHING he got!!

Even the shaving kit!!

And the bike!

Blake enjoyed going through all of his gifts!

He got several "Brain Games."  He said that he wanted these because Grandaddy loved to do these puzzles.  We all had fun trying to figure them out and Rick and Sean worked on them for hours....literally.  I have never seen Rick have such a long attention span!

We had a great lunch and then Laura and Bryson played Just Dane 2 on the Wii for a while....

Brett enjoyed it too!  But he shot the dancers and the deer (on the hunting game) with his Pow Pow!! 
Bryson got a pedicure and a makeover courtesy of Laura.  She really enjoyed the girl time!!

We had a good Christmas.  We went to visit Dad and had dinner with him.  He was doing good.  When I told him, "Merry Christmas" he said, "Good Christmas."  Christmas sure won't be the same without him here, but we had a good day and enjoyed our visit with him.  His name came up several times during the day about what he would have been doing if he was here with us.  Hoping everyone had a great Christmas and remembers the Reason for the Season!