Thursday, December 31, 2009

The BEST end to 2009!!

Brett had his sedated ABR test today.  We got the best news.  For the first time EVER, his hearing is NORMAL!!  This is the happiest day since we know he will not have to wear his hearing aids again!!!!  So for now, we are off to celebrate the good news and the new year!  Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

WOW!  Santa arrived at our house and unloaded!  Unfortunately, he must have had a rough trip on his way here.  Lots of evidence was left to indicate that he had traveled through the snow and rough terrain to get to 122 Partridge Run!  Check out the footprints left by the fireplace!

He also tore his jacket sleeve while coming down the chimney!

Blake and Bryson left a note for him next to the cookies.  I guess while he was reading Bryson's note, he put down his glasses and forgot them!

Throughout the day, we found other Santa clues.  A glove was on Blake's stocking, a button must have fallen off of his suit and a sleigh bell was in the middle of the front yard,.
While the children were nestled all snug in their beds, I snuck out of bed as they were getting ready to wake up and took a picture of what Santa had left behind.

Blake woke up first at 5:45.  I made him go back to sleep until 7:00.  He never went back to sleep but he laid quietly!  At 7:00, everyone was ready to see what Santa brought!

Brett got a ride on giraffe!

Blake went straight to his pocket rocket dirt bike!

And Bryson was so excited about her My Twinn doll!

Then she saw her Sweet Pea scooter!

Blake was fascinated by Santa's glasses and the response to the letter he wrote him!

Here are some more pictures of Christmas morning!

Everyone came over for lunch!  We had good food and fellowship!

After lunch, everyone gathered outside to watch the kids ride their toys.  Kim, Laura and I even enjoyed riding the scooter with the kids!

After the fun, we came back in, opened more gifts, and posed for pictures!  Merry Christmas!