Our children do not have good ears. Of course, they get this from their Daddy, not me! Blake had 3 sets of tubes and his adenoids removed. Bryson had 1 set of tubes and her tonsils removed. Brett had tubes at 5 weeks and since they have come out, he continues to get more ear infections and just sounds cruddy most of the time. Dr. Oliver decided it was time for more tubes and the adenoids to come out. I scheduled the surgery for May 21 which was my first day off for summer. Might as well get it over with right? Little did I know that Rick would be spending most of his time in Charleston with work. As luck would have it, he was not here for the surgery. We were supposed to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. My wonderful friend Vicki surprised me and met me at the house to go with me to the hospital. Brett calls everyone who takes care of him "Momma." Thank goodness that Vicki was there because Brett went back and forth to his 2 Mommas while he was waiting for surgery. I'm sure the nurses had a lot to talk about since there was no father there! Brett came out of surgery mad as a hornet and he did not like the IV, but after he woke up and ate a popsicle, he felt much better and we were able to go home.

Now everyone has had their hospital visit for the year. I have let them all know that the hospitals are closed for the Lee children!
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