Bryson had a wiggly tooth earlier this summer, but we have not checked it lately and she has not complained a bit. Well, today it got real loose real quick! Bryson thinks that she is the only one who has ever had a loose tooth. She tried to get Mrs. King and Barb to pull it, but it wasn't quite ready yet. We took Brett to Dr. Ben for his checkup and she told everyone she came in contact with about her loose tooth. While we waited for the lab to get Brett's finger pricked, I was talking to a nurse and Bryson shouted, "My tooth came out!" Believe it or not, she let Blake pull her tooth! Usually she can't stand for Blake to touch her and he would rather die than touch her! Somehow, they worked together and the tooth is now under the bed waiting on the Tooth Fairy! I wonder what she will bring???

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