Everyone had fun playing in the sun and sand and swimming in the water. Brett LOVED being out in the ocean with his Daddy and wasn’t afraid at all!
Everyone had a lot of fun playing with Brett…..and putting sand on him!!
Blake even enjoyed putting sand on himself!!
Blake had been begging Uncle Carey to bury him in the sand. Uncle Carey finally gave in and buried Blake…
Then stood on him…
Then had the girls stand on him…
Bryson also wanted to be buried!
So then we had to get a picture of all 3 kids!
But then….Kim and I had a GREAT idea….Wouldn’t it be cute to bury EVERYONE and take their pictures??? We thought so!!!
Hey! Even cuter would be to put sand buckets on their heads!!! Where there is a WILL there is a WAY!!!! You should have heard all of the bribing going on during these pictures!!
The final product!!!! It was worth it!!
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