In front of the sand shark!
Life's a BEACH!!
Bryson finally has some girls to play with! She isn't quite sure what to do with them since she has been around boys all of her life! Bryson, Regan and Kyndal became fast friends. The sand art idea wasn't any fun once they realized that the beach and the water were not far away. That was much more fun than pictures, so....they got soaken wet in the ocean!!! We still got a few good pictures!
This was Brett's first beach experience and he LOVED it, but the sand was much more fun to eat than play in!!!
Kyndal was a little worried about going too deep in the ocean, so she convinced Carey to take her out, but he saw a big wave and put her down so that he could go under it. He wasn't the only one who went under....Poor Kyndal! She was so upset and Kim and I couldn't believe that he did that!! (He really didn't mean to, but it sure didn't look good!)
By the way...Carey redeemed himself and apologized and Kyndal forgave him! The kids were so wet and nasty that we decided to come back home to grill out and swim in the pool. We had a great night and no one had to rock the kids to sleep!! They were exhausted!!
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