Bryson got the movie Marley and Me, Blake got Bolt, and Brett got Baby Einstein and a bubble machine!

Once again, Brett liked the Easter grass!
We went to church this morning for a wonderful service and the Lord's Supper. Before church, we managed to get some pictures. For some reason, the pictures of us in front of the house have a glare. I think it is the sun's reflection in the window, but I still like the pictures!
After church, Mrs. Deemer, our nieghbor came over and was able to take some pictures of all of us! Thank you, Mrs. Deemer!!

I am not sure what we were thinking, but for some reason, we thought it would be a good day to go out on the boat! Brett looked so cute, but wasn't quite sure what to think of the boat was VERY cold and VERY choppy! We didn't stay out too long.....
We did anchor for a while and tried to I said, tried....
Until....Momma caught something....
A Stingray.......that got hooked pretty bad. It was hard to get him loose. Rick told Carey to cut his mouth so that we could let him go and Carey had the knife and was getting ready to...until...
Bryson figured out what was going on and said,"Nooooooooooooooo, Uncle Carey, please don't hurt him!!" And... Uncle Carey, like the good uncle he is, didn't have the heart to hurt the stingray (besides the fact that Bryson was watching his every move) and found some pliers and gently pried the hook loose from the stingray and set him free without hurting him!!! After that, we decided that it was time to head back home, so Uncle Carey held Brett (who fell asleep all the way there) and we went home!

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