He can drink juice out of a sippy cup with some help!
He can push up and is trying to figure out how to crawl. He scoots backwards and gets frustrated.
He is beginning to eat real foods (which is causing him to not like baby food:( )
He LOVES his feet and enjoys chewing on his toes......but MOST of all.....his favorite thing to chew on in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is.........

Every time I turn around, he has them ripped out of his ears and in his mouth. Last week I had to change the batteries twice because he drained them by sucking on them! What an expensive chew toy. He has had his aids for one month and has not bothered them until last weekend and now he won't leave them alone!! I guess this comes with the territory.
Anyway, he is still the sweetest, calmest, and happiest baby and is such a blessing to us. We can't believe he is growing up so fast!
And here's a picture of Blake and Bryson with Hannah and Dozer:
St. Patrick's day is Tuesday...More pictures to come!
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