As I have mentioned before, Brett is the most laid back, easygoing baby ever. However, he does make one demand...that someone hold his pacifier in his mouth when he wants it! It's not a lot to demand, but it does become difficult when you are driving and he is facing backwards and Blake and Bryson are watching a DVD (which we wouldn't dare interrupt because they are quiet and not fighting!!) and do not want to hold the pacifier in his mouth for the duration of the ride.
Lately, we have been making frequent trips to Atlanta to visit Emory Hospital for my Dad. Many of you know that he has been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. When we go to Atlanta, we are fortunate enough to stay with Dad's sisters who happen to be my two most favorite aunts, Cheryl and Kathy!!! They are always willing to babysit while I go to the doctor with Mom and Dad. We spent several days with them at Thanksgiving and they laughed at Brett's only demand!!
A few days before Christmas, I recieved a box in the mail from Pacanimals. Even though I had done a lot of online ordering, the box and name did not sound familiar. I opened it and this is what I found:

Inside the box was a note that said, "Brett, I saw this and thought this may help you to hold on to your pacifier. Love, Aunt Cheryl" It was a monkey with a pacifier attached that helps the child hold on the the pacifier by holding on to the stuffed animal. Apparently, you can get them in several different animal styles. Cheryl picked the perfect animal because we have always called Brett our "Chunky Monkey" and that is what he was for Halloween. In December, Brett was not grabbing onto anything. Lately, he has started reaching and grabbing for things and he loves stuffed animals to hold on to. This weekend, we gave him the Pacanimal. See for you think he likes it???
He ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT and it is WONDERFUL!!! I can't wait to try it out in the car. We will head back to Atlanta next week and the monkey will definitely be going with us!! Thanks Aunt Cheryl for the most perfect and UNIQUE gift!!
I am so glad that he likes it. I can't wait to see him and his monkey pacimal!! Cheryl